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Oil Painting and the Figure 1
Introduction to Figure Painting
Started 26 AugStarted 26 AugCuba Street
245 New Zealand dollars
Service Description
Beginning with the wipe-out technique; drawing with paint, we will move on to grissaille under painting adding a traditional earth colour palette. The studio will supply paint and medium (included in the fee) but students will need to provide their own support (canvas/board), palette and brushes. A list of appropriate materials will be handed out at the first class. (Enrolled students will receive simple materials list for first class.) Winter into Spring Painting 1 - $245 (7 sessions) from 26 Aug - 14 Oct Painting 1 can be booked on its own but is a prerequisite if you intend to take painting 2.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
166a Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, New Zealand
+ 022 5970 437
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